Liquor Application Update: The Countess

In line with our policy on liquor licences, objecting to all liquor applications, the MRA Committee engaged with the applicant for The Countess at 27 Boxes in regards to the liquor licence sought by it and its intended operations. This engagement bore fruit in the form of an agreement between the MRA Committee and the applicant which sets out terms and conditions to be incorporated in the licence which is […]


27Boxes Interested Residents Group

The arrival of 27 boxes on our doorstep has brought both opportunities and challenges for residents, especially those living near to the development. The MRA, through its physical environment committee, has decided to form a subcommittee made up of interested and affected residents, which will focus on 27 boxes with a view to: recording and investigating complaints about noise, crime, traffic congestion and other disturbances; obtaining information from the authorities […]