Dear Melville Community,

An application has been lodged with the Gauteng Liquor Board for a liquor licence at 27 Boxes – it is for Gab & Grill at shop 6 and for a restaurant.

Most of you know it has not been an easy time in recent months in this area where we have experienced a lot of noise as a result of the unlawful activities, events hosted, and the resultant traffic congestion/entirely blocking of 4th Ave.

Click here for a copy of the application.


Any additional liquor license may contribute to the noise, disturbance, and security challenges Melville residents face as a result of the oversaturation of liquor-licensed businesses within a one-kilometer square radius of Melville.

As is practice, the MRA will prepare an objection and a draft will be posted soon. Objections must be lodged before the end of next week.

Best regards,
MRA Liquor Portfolio