The Melville Residents’ Association would like to bring the following Liquor Application to the attention of the Melville Community.

Applicant Name:  Restaurant Incubator
Trading Name:  Ba Pita
Address & Location: Unit 2, Number 1, 7th Street Melville (Erf 24)
Type of Licence: Restaurant
Agent for Restaurant Incubator:  Otto Wolf –

A copy of the application form is available for download:

Application date: 04 May 2018

Closing Date for Objections: 30 May 2018 @ 15:00


Those wishing to object must do so in writing, addressed to the Gauteng Liquor Board and not the Melville Residents’ Association


  • Ensure that you fill in your details correctly and
  • that the objection is signed and dated.

The Liquor Board requires a single copy of the objection (which must be hand delivered to their offices at Matloto House , 2nd Floor 124 Main Street , Johannesburg) however, to confirm receipt it would be prudent to take a second copy with to the Liquor Board and have both copies stamped as received. The second copy is your confirmation that the Liquor Board has received your objection.

The Melville Residents’ Association Committee will also assist the community if 2 copies of the objection are drop off with Melville Postnet (Corner of 1st Avenue & Main road) before 24 May 2018 @ 15:00, whereby a MRA representative will ensure delivery to the Liquor Board.

Once you have dropped off your objection at Postnet,  please notify the MRA via

In additional to the copies to the Liquor board, a copy of the objection must be forwarded to the agent dealing with the application, delivered via email by the objector and not the MRA:

Agent for Restaurant Incubator:  Otto Wolf –

Residents are welcome to download and use the MRA’s  Objection to Restaurant Incubator Liquor Licence. Download, Print, Date & Sign and drop off at Postnet as per the above objection process

 A copy of the MRA’s Objection is available for download: