City of Johannesburg - Consolidated Town Planning Scheme 2017

It is your right to participate in decisions about local government. The Land Use Scheme adopted and approved in terms of the City of Johannesburg Municipal Planning By-law, 2016, shall give effect to the City’s municipal spatial development framework and determine the use and development of land within the City’s area of jurisdiction. People are often too preoccupied to bother. However, here is one instance where you should pay attention […]


Service Delivery: Residents taking charge

Councillors do not log service delivery issues, they perform oversight on the City after these issues have been logged and the necessary turn around time has passed without resolution. Residents should log their various queries with the correct city department by using the following handy guide ‘Look & Log’ When escalating service delivery complaints to our Ward Councillor please use the following template to help her keep track of issues: […]


City of Johannesburg Property Rates Policy Review: Region B

Property rates is a tax in terms of Section 11 of the Prescription Act 68 of 1969 and the Council may recover rates in arrears for a period of up to 30 years.  The Rates Policy guides the City in all aspects of levying rates on property owners as required by the Local Government Municipal Property Rates Act 6, of 2004 (MPRA). Property Rates are levied as a cent in […]


Services at your doorstep

Johannesburg property-owners who are unhappy about the service they receive particularly at the walk-in-customer service centres city-wide, can talk directly with their area managers. The City’s Spokesman Kgamanyane Maphologela says the City is serious about improving customer service, as this is part of the City’s ten point plan of running a responsive and pro-poor government. “We want our customers to know that, they don’t necessarily have to drive all the […]


Taking charge of #MyMelville

The Look and Log guide is a cut-out-and-keep guide for all your logging needs as a City of Johannesburg ratepayer. Ward councillors across the City encourage residents to make use of the guide, which is not an official City document, to help log different service delivery issues. It provides residents with options to report street lights that are not working, fallen trees, dumping, vagrants, a motor vehicle accident, refunds, Metro […]


Updated list of Approved Communes in Melville

The City of Johannesburg defines a commune as: ” Means a dwelling house where the habitable rooms are rented out for an extended period to unrelated persons who share the communal facilities such as the kitchen, lounge, dining room and bathrooms. “   Approved & Registered Communes in Melville (Sept 2016)     The following documents are available for download: City of Johannesburg: Commune Policy City of Johannesburg: All Communes […]


Public Meeting: Displaced people in our suburbs

” Dear All PUBLIC MEETING Displaced people in our suburbs The clean-up of George Lea Park has highlighted the presence of displaced people living in parks and other open spaces in our suburbs. The City’s new administration would like to hear residents’ views on how best to deal with concerns that have been raised. Councillors and other community leaders will provide updates and solicit advice at a public meeting. Have […]


Moshito Street Music Festival

The 13th Annual Moshito Music Conference and Exhibition takes place from 7 to 10 September 2016. This year’s theme ‘Censored: When the Revolution Could Not be Televised’ recognises the artistic voices who appropriate their message through songs and bring the plight of the marginalised people to the attention of the State, for the world to know. The theme speaks to the fact that music can act as an unsolicited yet […]


Notice from City of Johannesburg: Land Use Consent (Guesthouse)

We have received a notification from the City of Johannesburg regarding an application for a guesthouse to operate from Erf 150 (99 2nd Avenue), Melville. Erf 150 is currently zoned as Residential 1, according to the application, the impact on the immediate area will be negligible for the following reasons: The existing house will be retained on the site, The residential character will be retained, Adequate off-street parking can be […]


Impromptu clean-up on Main Rd

The Melville Residents’ Association through its Physical Environment Portfolio initiated an impromptu clean-up today. Willem Prinsloo and his team focused mainly on Main Road picking up litter and taking down of not only illegal but also legal posters that reached their expiry date. Says Prinsloo “Today’s clean-up on Main Road includes both sides from 4th avenue down towards 9th. We have identified this as the dirtiest in the area over […]