Online Vigil for Eric van Gils

Online Vigil for Eric van Gils 18th July 2021 @ 16:30


Passing of Eric van Gils

It is with deep regret that I inform you of the tragic passing of Eric Van Gils earlier today. Eric was a Director of the Melville Security Initiative (MSI) for the past 7 years, and a resident on 1st Avenue less than a block from 7th street. Over and above his dedication towards the security of Melville via the MSI, Eric was passionate about businesses in Melville, and would most […]


Message from MRA Chair

Dear Residents, As the year comes to a close, I’d like to take the opportunity to touch base with you as resident as to what we as a committee have achieved since elected in July 2015. It has been a busy year of consolidation and getting some of the basics right for the MRA Committee. Some of the areas we have made great strides in this year are: Establishing a […]